Monday, December 19, 2011

What's Your Ideal Christmas Tree?

Let's build a tree together in our imagination, shall we?

Noble or Douglas Fir? (or fake?)

How tall?

Do you like it more fat, more skinny, pointy on top or not?

Do you like full ones or "charlie brown" ones?

When do you like to put up you tree? And how long do you keep it up?

Where do you usually like to get it: from a lot/store, or go cut it down, or dig it up so it can be transplanted?

Flocking? or No?

What kind of lights do you like on it? White? Coloured? One single Colour? Blinking?

Do you like having a tree topper? And if so what do you like it to look like? (star? angel? humorous?....)

What kinds of ornaments do you like on your tree? Ones you made? One's others made for you? Sentimental ones with memories attached, nostalgic looking ones, just the really pretty striking ones.

Do you like a themed tree? Like all red and gold, or only snowflakes and icicles, etc. ?

Does your tree look pretty much the same every year or do you like doing different themes?

How often do you buy new things to put on your tree? Are most of yours older, (or even family relics?), or do you have a lot of recent ones.

Do you buy new ornaments from memorable places you went?

Do you like big ornaments? Or smaller ones?

Do you like hiding some ornaments deep in the tree so you have to look close to see them all? Or do you like having them out on the edges so they are visible from most angles?

Do you like ornaments that plug into the lighs and DO something? (glow, twinkle, move, make noise, play music, blink...)

Do you put garlands on your tree?

Do you put candy canes or other edible treats on the tree?

Do you make popcorn or cranberry garlands or balls?


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