Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Personal Music History

Did your parents play any particular music for you when you were a baby?

Do your parents have any stories about you liking certain music as a baby or toddler?

Did you fall asleep listening to anything when you were a child?

What music did your parents enjoy while you were growing up?

Did you like the music they listened to?

Was there any other adult who's music you remember listening to?

Was there any other music you remember listening to as a child that wasn't necessarily your parent's type of music? (such as children's albums, movies, church, school musicals)

Can you remember any particular Musical shows/performances that you saw, either live or recorded that made an impression on you?

What's the first music you remember thinking of as your favorite?

What's the first music you remember liking that wasn't the same as your parents?

When did you get your first personal music player?

What's the first music you remember owning?

Did you take any music lessons as a child - what instrument?

Have you found yourself more interested in music with the intrument you play/played, or not particularly?

Is there a different instrument you would have rather learned?

Do you still play the instrument you learned as a kid (if you did) or have you taken up any new instruments since childhood?

Did you ever play in a band or musical group of some kind? Or sing in a choir?

Did you ever take dance lessons? Which kind of dancing?

Did your family ever listen to traditional music of the countries of your heritage?

Do you enjoy the music from any of the countries of your heritage?

What music did you listen to in Junior High and High School?

What kind of music did you enjoy in College?

Did you or do you enjoy dancing? - To what kind of music?

Is there any music that you used to like which you don't really care for anymore?

What music do you enjoy now?

Can you chart the stepping stones that brought you to liking the music you currently do?

Can you attribute your discovery of any particular music you like to some other music you discovered before it?

Do you think you would have liked all the same music you enjoy now if you had discovered it as a child or teenager? Or do you think you would not have liked it had you heard it back then?

Did you ever take any music classes that gave you better understanding of music or which broadened your tastes?

Have your tastes generally been the same as your friends' over the years?

Do you have many friends with radically different musical tastes?

Do you like to have direct controll over what you're listening to, or do you enjoy the spontenaity and variety that comes up on the radio?

Do you like to know what you are listening to and tend to buy all the music you enjoy? Or do you not pay a lot of attention to what is playing?

Do you tend to like your music loud or relatively quiet?

Do you enjoy bass, or normally turn it down?

Did you often have to keep your music to yourself at home, or did your family share your tastes? (or were they at least open to hearing different music?)

Do you listen to music very often yourself, or not really?

Do you enjoy a wide variety of music? Or just one or two favorite genres?

What radio stations can you name off the top of your head?

Do you listen to any of them by your own choice?

Which ones do other people you know listen to?

Are you always looking for new kinds of music, or are you pretty content with the genres you are already familiar with?

Is there any particular music you can't stand?

How much music is in your music library?

Do you make a lot of use of a portable music player?

Do you more often use music as a background or more often put it on in order to pay attention to it?

Do you choose music to match or to counter your moods? Or does the music you like tend to all be the same mood? Or are you not aware of particular moods in your music?

Is there any music that is particularly linked with certain memories for you? Music you put on to remember things by?

Are there any artists that you own all the works of?

Are there any artists that you are interested in collecting all the works of?

What aspect of the music you like are you most drawn to? (the words? the beat? the instruments? the emotions? the creative ideas you get from it? the atmosphere it create? the energy or relaxation it brings you? the actual artists as people? the traditional roots?)

Would you say that this has changed over the years, or have you always been generally drawn most toward a certain aspect of music?

Do you feel a great sense of identity through your music? Or does your music not say that much about you in particular?

Do you feel your musical tastes are unique or unusual in any way?

Do you enjoy writing music? And if so, how does the music you create compare to the music you enjoy listening to?

If you had to choose a limited set of music to listen to for the rest of your life, what genre? what artist? what songs? would you choose?

Name some songs which you feel present a kind of portrait of yourself.

Name some songs or artists that you highly reccommend others listen to if they haven't heard them already.

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